Blueberry Hill

9-4-70, sources 1-5
Blueberry Hill (Moonchild), Final Statements (Antrabata), Live On Blueberry Hill (Cobra, Cobra Premium Series, Eat A Peach, Empress Valley 9cd & 4 reissues, Last Stand Disc 4cd, Mud Dogs, no label [2015 & 2017], Sanctuary, Tarantura 1993 & 1997, Wendy original and remaster, Tarantura2000 9cd, & Wendy 9cd), Live On Blueberry Hill Another Master (no label), Return To Blueberry Hill (Immigrant & the no label blue sleeve), & Youth Gone Wild (Empress Valley)

A total of five different sources have surfaced from this very amazing, legendary performance.
Almost all cd titles that have ever released this show with the tracks properly sequenced are represented in this text. The old European and American vinyl titles and cd titles normally/usually copied from vinyl (ceasing by 1994~), resequenced or not, have been excluded.
Two assumptions about vinyl releases are as follows… The TMQ label first released this show. The Rubber Dubber label was the second release of the show, using a different tape, in stereo. Importance is placed on the identification of unique bootleg tape sources for this concert.
All sources have been highly compared, studied, reviewed, and then compared again with each new release of this show. Properly identifying the separate sources has been extremely important. It is absolutely key in understanding these many sources. They often have some very similar and identical background noises, such as whistling, talking/muttering, replies of "Good Evening," laughing, etc.

Source 1 = Immigrant / (TMQ vinyl)
Source 2 = Tarantura2000 TCD-30 / (Rubber Dubber vinyl)
Source 3 = Mud Dogs
Source 4 = Tarantura2000 TCD-33
Source 5 = Tarantura's 1997 blue sleeve release

9/4/1970 Imm LSD#1 TCD30 Mud TCD32 TCD33 Tara1997 TCD34   Tara1993 LSD#2 Cobra CPS Ant Sanctuary TCD31 9/4/1970
intro n/a n/a n/a s3 s3 n/a s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s5 s5 s3 intro
immigrant s1 s1 n/a s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 immigrant
heart s1 s1 n/a s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 heart
dazed s1 s1 n/a s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s4, s3 s4, s3 s3 s1, s4, s1 s4, s3 dazed
bring s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 bring
that's s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 that's
bron s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 bron
since s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s1 s3 s3, s4 s3, s4 s3 s1 s3, s4 since
organ s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s1 s1 s4 s4 s5 s1 s4, s3 organ
ty s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s1 s1 s3 s3 s4 s4, s1 s3 ty
what s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s1 s1 s3 s1 s4 what
moby s1 s1 n/a s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s1 s4 s4 s4 s1 s1, s4, s1 s4 moby
wll s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 wll
com s1 s1 s2 s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 com
tiles s1 s1 n/a s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 tiles
bbh s1 s1 n/a s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s3 s3 s3 s1 s3 bbh
exit s1 s1 n/a s3 s3 s4 s5 s5   s3 s3 s4 s4 s3 s4 s3, s4 exit
  Immigrant (TMQ)=s1, TCD30 (Rubber Dubber)=s2, Mud Dogs=s3, TCD33=s4, & Tara1997=s5  

Source 1 (TMQ): Immigrant and the first two discs of the LSD four disc release use the first tape source exclusively, presumably the tape used for the famous TMQ vinyl. LSD has a faked introduction by moving a dozen seconds of tape from after Heartbreaker. Immigrant does not contain that dozen seconds in either location.
Tarantura2000's TCD-31 claims to be TMQ, but it does not contain any of that tape.
Empress Valley's cds 1&2 ("Blimp Records / TMOQ" of the 9cd and 4cd titles) are based on the TMQ tape. It's introduction is source 5. Source 3 is used briefly after Dazed and Bron-Yr-Aur. The title offers more of source one between songs and after the show than any other cd release of this show. The title also has at least two cut/repeats in the Tarantura2000 fashion. It's sound is not near as clear as the others.
Wendy's cds 1&2 of their 9cd title are strictly the TMQ source. Like LSD, they've faked an introduction by moving tape from after Heartbreaker to the beginning of the title. A little tape is missing after Dazed. For an unknown reason they've cut a few seconds after That's during RP talking. After Bron-Yr-Aur, a splice to a different copy of the same source is made until the next song starts. A similar splice is made during Moby that lasts for almost six minutes. After Moby, RP's "swamp music" comment is excluded and a "Thank You" is inserted for no reason. More tape is missed after Whole Lotta Love, Communication Breakdown, and after the show. While this title is exclusively from the TMQ tape, it's done by splicing in from a diff copy of it. (EV's title is often uncut in these areas.)

Source 2 (Rubber Dubber): Tarantura2000's TCD-30 introduces the second source to cd for the first time, also known as the Rubber Dubber tape.
Empress Valley's final cd also releases this tape, but hasn't been cleaned up as anywhere near as well as Tarantura2000.
Wendy's cd 9 of their 9cd title releases this source. It is almost completely identical to EV, including the many micro cut/repeats in Whole Lotta Love.

Source 3: Mud Dogs debuted source three. It and Tarantura2000's TCD-32 are strictly from this source. Mud Dogs is missing the opening one second, misses several seconds before Since I've Been Loving you and Moby Dick, misses 2:13 of Moby Dick, misses several seconds after Whole Lotta Love, and misses a few seconds after the show. It's left channel is much weaker than it's right. Tarantura2000's isn't missing the tape sections noted above and it's channels are both as strong as Mud Dog's right channel.
Empress Valley's cds 3&4 ("TMOQ Alternate Source") is based on the Mud Dogs' source. It has no fewer than 23 source changes. During the constant tape switching, a few seconds of the primary source are lost. It's introduction is mostly source 5. Later parts of the title use sources 1 and 4 too. The title also has at least one cut/repeat in the Tarantura2000 fashion.
Wendy's cds 3&4 of their 9cd title are based on this third source. It misses way too much of this primary source. A few seconds of Since are missed, almost twenty seconds of the organ solo are missed, and misses over two and a half minutes of Moby Dick. A few seconds of tape are lost in other places too, between songs. After Thank You, a splice is made to the fourth source briefly before the disc ends. The next disc begins by repeating part of the previous disc, but they've removed their source four addition. After What Is and Should Never Be, there is a cut with a ten second repeat. No effort was made to preserve this source.

Source 4: This source was finally released in it's entirety for the first time on Tarantura2000's TCD-33, although the title is not strictly from this source alone. (Pieces of this source have been used regularly on many older titles.) One or more of the other tapes of this show have been used for several seconds of Immigrant Song and then for one or two split second occasions after Moby Dick. Unfortunately, edits have been made at several places where dropouts would be found in the tape. The fashion of edit used creates a semi-microscopic cut/repeat at each dropout. The split second of blank tape (dropout) is removed, throwing off the timing of the song, then a split second of tape before the drop is repeated. It's a highly annoying result.
Empress Valley's cds 5&6 release source 4 too. They refer to it as the "Cobra" source, since that's presumably the first title to use the tape, however little amount of it. It's introduction is source 5. Later parts of the title use sources 1 and 3 too. The title also has at least two cut/repeats in the Tarantura2000 fashion.
The no label title from 2015 is strictly source four. It is not littered with micro cut/repeats or any splicing. No tricks or gimmicks, just an honest release. It's sound is otherwise similar to T2k.
Wendy's cds 5&6 of their 9cd title are based on source four. It's sound has been degenerated, and is especially bad during quieter sections. The intro is source five. It splices to source three during Bron-Yr-Aur. For some unknown reason, they inserted a cut and nine second repeat after Since. The splice after Moby is to source five, displacing a dozen seconds of the primary tape.

Source 5: The fifth source debuted on Tarantura's 1997 release. Tarantura2000's TCD-34 releases a poorly edited version of it. (Edits were made in the same manner as TCD-33.) TCD-34 runs a tiny amount faster than the other title. Sound quality is similar between the two releases.
Empress Valley's cds 7&8 release source 5 too. They refer to it as the "Antrabata" source, since that's presumably the first title to use the tape, however little amount of it. Source 1 is mixed into the title. The last several seconds of the tape have a strange reverb affect added for no good reason. The title also has at least six cut/repeats in the Tarantura2000 fashion.
Wendy's cds 7&8 of their 9cd title are strictly from source 5. It has a super tiny digital glitch in Since and a micro cut/repeat during Whole Lotta Love. It's otherwise a good title.

Insignificant Mixes:
Tarantura's 1993 release uses sources 1 & 3 but still doesn't complete Moby Dick. The last two discs of the LSD title is a three source mix. It relies mainly on the third tape source and borrows from the first and fourth tapes to complete. Source four is used for Moby Dick, but it is missing 82 seconds. The Cobra and Cobra Premium Series releases contain the exact same mixture of sources 1, 3, and 4. However, the CPS is not simply a copy of the Cobra. There are trivial differences. Antrabata relies heavily on source three, but uses three other sources for songs too. After using these four sources, Antrabata is the least complete mix available. The no label (possibly Scorpio) title in the blue gatefold sleeve is a copy of Antrabata. Sanctuary uses the fifth source's introduction. It relies heavily on the first source but also uses three and four for songs too. They've made every effort to present full songs and talk between songs. Wendy's two titles differ from each other and are just more of many mixes available. Their constant source changing becomes annoying. Tarantura2000's TCD-31 relies mainly on source 3 and uses source 4 to avoid some of the source 3 problems.
The first 8 cds of Empress Valley are multiple source mixes. Those four versions are each founded on different sources, but the constant source changing leaves the listener with nothing less than 4 mixes of the same show, in the same box. The listener can only guess what tape they're truly hearing during playback. The liner notes are deceiving. Tarantura2000 left plenty of room for improvement, but EV didn't bother to take full advantage. They did include the TMQ source, but that was expected.
Empress Valley's endless stream of reissues: The first reissue came two months after the box set, using the first four cds from the box. The 2cd reissue was offered two years after the box, using cds 3&4 from the box. Their second 4cd reissue arrived in 2010, reissuing the audio from the first four cds of the box. Their next reissue used audio from the first two cds of the box on "Youth Gone Wild" in August 2013. The reissue after that was a 4cd box, reissuing the 2010 reissue. Their next reissue of the first four cds of their original box was in 2019. It housed a "Monaural Master (evsd-530/531)," the "Stereo Master (evsd-532/533)," and accompanied with a new mix, the "Stereo Matrix." The matrix was also simultaneously released as a 2cd title. It's basically those same four cds mixed together, playing at the same time, and could have other sources mixed in too.
Empress Valley never isolates separate sources in boxes in which they repeat the same show over and over. They're entirely missing the point. It's a bigger crime than their mixing two different shows together and passing it off as a single show.
Eat a Peach's title offers another mix. It also offers at least one "micro cut/repeat" and some light clicking noises in the early part of Communication Breakdown.
Moonchild's "Blueberry Hill" title is based on source four. It uses source five for the introduction and the remaining gaps are filled with source three. It's background sound during the quieter sections ranges from normal to very poor sounding.
The no label title from 2017 is based on the exact same audio used by Moonchild last month, but sped up the slightest bit.
The other no label title from 2017, "Another Master," should have been titled "Another Mix." It's based on source three, but no effort was made to use all of the source. The available tape for the organ solo and Moby Dick were not even used. It's a mix of at least four of the five sources.
Between all of these titles, speed and sound quality differ slightly. Some titles have louder music than others, but they also have louder background noise that comes along with amplifying.
Moonchild's "Ultimate Blueberry Hill" title is the same "Stereo Matrix" as found on EV's 2019 title, having the same cd times as well.
Magic Pyramid's title is a matrix, based on the earlier sources.