Title | Primary Show | Cds | Catalog # | Matrix Order | Packaging | Released |
Live On Blueberry Hill | 9/4/70 | 2 | EAT 1/2 | #'s scratched out | pocket with booklet | 2015, April |
Storming the Big Apple | 9/19/1970 | 4 | EAT 50/51/52/53 | 17616/7/8/9 | pocket with booklet | 2015, December |
Performed Live In Seattle | 7/17/1973 | 3 | EAT 96/97/98 | EAT96/97/98 (with other #'s scratched out) | pocket with booklet | 2016, March |
Feel All Right - Live In Montreux | 3/7/1970 | 4 | EAT 152/3/4/5 | EAT152/3/4/5 | pocket with booklet | 2017, March |
A Very Nice Night | 3/16/1973 | 2 | EAT 192/93 | EAT 192/193 | pocket with booklet | 2017, November |
Seattle 1975 - Hammer of the Gods | 3/21/1975 | 4 | EAT 200/1/2/3 | EAT 200/201/202/203 | pocket with booklet | 2017, December |