Title | Primary Show | Secondary Show | Cds | Catalog # | Released |
Stroke In Stoke | 1/15/1973 | 7/13/1973 | 2 | (LZ011573-1/2) | 2001 |
Robert's Last Stand | 8/11/1979 | 3 | LZ110879A/B | 2001 | |
Madison Square Graffiti | 2/12/1975 | 3 | RD015-1/2/3 | 2003 | |
Earl's Court Incident | 5/24/1975 | 3 | RD026-1/2/3 | 2003 | |
Earl's Court Incident | 5/25/1975 | 3 | RD027-1/2/3 | 2003 |
Not a Japanese label. The first two titles have no mention of label credit other than the familiar "P&C." They have the same artwork theme and the cds are completely professionally labeled. The third through fifth titles credit Red Devil as the manufacturer. "P&C" is not mentioned. They share the same artwork theme as the first two titles.
Madison Square Graffiti is the only title worth mentioning. The other titles have changed the song sequence.