Title | Primary Show | Cds | (Antrabata Title Source)* |
1970 Studio Works | 1969-1972 | 4 | cds 2-5 of "Studio Sessions" |
Check It Out | 1-22-73 & 7-6-73 | 1 | cd 8 of "Studio Sessions" |
Hampton 1971 | 9/9/1971 | 2 | "Inspired" |
Kinetic Circus | 11/16/1971 | 1 | cd 1 of "Twopenny Upright" |
Peerless Performance | 6/29/1980 | 2 | cds 3-4 of "Gracias" |
Rock Hour* | 6/27/1969 | 1 | "Rock Hour" |
Spitfire | 6/24/1980 | 2 | cds 1-2 of "Gracias" |
This label issues Antrabata leftovers in Theramin designed paper sleeves.
*Different printing is used on this disc. It reads "Technocomp" at the top and "Rock Hour" at the bottom.