
Title Primary Show Cds Catalog # Matrix Order Packaging Released
Amazing Second Detroit Tape 7/13/1973 3 WISCD 2020-001 69682-1/2/3 jewel case with obi 2021, April
Winter In Winterland 1969 11/7/1969 2 WISCD 2021-005 70528-1/2 jewel case with obi 2021, April
Dazed and Confused in Tampa 1970 4/9/1970 2 WISCD 2021-006 70653-1/2 jewel case with obi 2021, April
First Show From Notrh American Tour 11/6/1969 2 WISCD 2021-007 70759-1/2 jewel case with obi 2021, May
Starting Show Of North American Tour Autumn 1969 10/17/1969 1 WISCD 2022-012 WISCD-012 jewel case with obi 2022, February

Wisteria has inserted cuts at most of the track changes on all of their titles.