Antrabata "leftovers"

Most, if not all, Antrabata cds were created in quantities of 1000. (This is usually the minimum run/batch size for any type of 5" disc.) Approximately 325 copies per title were "certified" and the remaining 675 discs were expected to be destroyed. Evidently, many of these "leftovers" were not destroyed. They have become available in the following four forms.

1. Under the Antrabata label (misleading)

Arabesque & Baroque (all five nights)
Rock Hour

The artwork may possibly be original leftovers too, or just reprinted. The certificate (and slipcase if applicable) will be absent. Truly, these are Antrabata products but without the certification.

2. By Theramin Music

3. By ?


This title (slimlined) is NOT an Antrabata leftover even though the discs read "Antrabata second edition." The matrix numbers do not match. Mr. Stout's flying pig is used on the front cover.

These leftovers are appreciated by some but disliked by others. Those who want Antrabata audio can now get the original discs without the premium price.